Capturing Smiles Photography

About Me

About Me

My name is Sam Gbel I was born in Cheltenham. Right in the heart of the Cotswolds, I was always surrounded by wildlife and beautiful backdrops of fields and woodlands.  For much of my childhood I took a lot of photos of my family and pets, so when I reached an age to go to college, I was able to take my hobby further. At the time we were still using film camera’s which meant developing your own images in a dark room. This was great fun and very rewarding. There was none of this digital camera and photoshop technology we have today. Basically the image you take, is the image you have. You can play about with the lighting but very limited on editing. This has led me to keeping my photos as natural as they are, Just using a few tweaks.

20 years down the line, I met my husband and today I have a family of my own to capture memories with. This inspired me to put my camera phone down and take up a newly improved camera. So, one Christmas I asked Santa for a DLSR camera, and my wish came true. I took myself back to college and here I am now, turning my life long hobby into a business and having the capability to capture memories for everyone to keep.